
Start Time
Tuesday, Sept. 7th
Session #1 Circuits and Methodology
7:00/16:00/22:00/23:00 Keynote #1 – AR/VR silicon challenges and research directions – what opportunities for asynchronous design?
Edith Beigne
8:00/17:00/23:00/0:00 Break
8:15/17:15/23:15/0:15 Fluid: An Asynchronous High-level Synthesis Tool for Complex Program Structures
Rui Li, Lincoln Berkley, Yihang Yang and Rajit Manohar
8:45/17:45/23:45/0:45 Hierarchical Token Rings for Address-Event Encoding
Prafull Purohit and Rajit Manohar
9:15/18:15/0:15/1:15 Towards Hazard-Free Multiplexer Based Implementation of
Self-Timed Circuits
Alexander Kushnerov, Moti Medina and Alex Yakovlev
9:45/18:45/0:45/1:45 Towards Explaining the Fault Sensitivity of Different QDI Pipeline Styles
Patrick Behal, Florian Huemer, Robert Najvirt, Zaheer Tabassam and Andreas Steininger
Start Time
Wednesday, Sept. 8th
Session #2 Applications
7:00/16:00/22:00/23:00 Keynote #2 – The Future of Artificial Intelligence: A 3D Silicon Brain
Kwabena Boahen
8:00/17:00/23:00/0:00 Break
8:15/17:15/23:15/0:15 A 28nm Configurable Asynchronous SNN Accelerator with
Energy-Efficient Learning
Jilin Zhang, Mingxuan Liang, Jinsong Wei and Hong Chen
8:45/17:45/23:45/0:45 Self-timed Reinforcement Learning using Tsetlin Machine
Adrian Wheeldon, Alex Yakovlev and Rishad Shafik
9:15/18:15/0:15/1:15 Reconfigurable ASIC Implementation of Asynchronous Recurrent Neural Networks
Spencer Nelson, Sangyun Kim, Jia Di, Zhe Zhou, Zhihang Yuan and Guangyu Sun
9:45/18:45/0:45/1:45 An asynchronous hybrid pixel image sensor
Mohamed Akrarai, Nils Margotat, Laurent Fesquet and Gilles Sicard
Start Time
Thursday, Sept. 9th
Session #3 Industry/Fresh Ideas
7:00/16:00/22:00/23:00 Keynote #3 – Asynchronous Design for Space Applications
Ran Ginosar
8:00/17:00/23:00/0:00 Break
8:15/17:15/23:15/0:15 Asynchronous Serial Infrastructure using FPIO
Andrew Lines
8:45/17:45/23:45/0:45 Novel Circuit Structure of Basic Standard Cells against Glitches
Masashi Imai
9:15/18:15/0:15/1:15 Addressing Multi-bit Transient Faults in Asynchronous RH-Click Controllers
Felipe Kuentzer and Milos Krstic
9:45/18:45/0:45/1:45 A Novel Continuous TDC Measurement Technique
Alexis Rodrigo Iga Jadue, Sylvain Engels and Laurent Fesquet
Start Time
Friday, Sept. 10th
20/21 Best Paper Awards
7:00/16:00/22:00/23:00 2020 BPN#1
Cyclone: A Static Timing and Power Engine for Asynchronous Circuits
Wenmian Hua, Yi-Shan Lu, Keshav Pingali, Rajit Manohar
7:30/16:30/22:30/23:30 2020 BPN#2
Optimization and Comparison of synchronizers
Justin Reiher, Mark R. Greenstreet
8:00/17:00/23:00/0:00 2020 BPN#3
Formal Verification of Flow Equivalence in Desynchronized Designs
Jennifer Paykin, Brian Huffman, Daniel M. Zimmerman, Peter A. Beerel
8:30/17:30/23:30/0:30 2021 Best paper award
Closing Remarks


27th IEEE International Symposium on Asynchronous Circuits and Systems